Friday, October 30, 2009 do you really feel?

Fuck. Shit. Ass. That's right...I swore. I will swear at you, I will swear at the television, and I will swear for no god damn reason.

I'm tired of people who cringe when they hear people swear. What's the point of having language if it's not supposed to be used. When I am upset, I am gonna swear. It's not that I'm being disrespectful...saying "Fuck you" is just much faster than saying "hey girl, you are really making me mad". On top of the saving time thing, "fuck you" also makes someone understand that I'm actually angry and not messing around. It means I'm serious, so hurry the fuck up and fix the situation.

Now don't get me wrong. I am not one of those people that thinks it's acceptable to swear towards your parents or people of authority. I also don't want to be the one who teaches your children swear words. You won't hear me saying "hey kid....shut your ass're annoying the shit out of me". But when I am surrounded by my peers (even people I don't know very well), I'm gonna swear. If I like something, I'll say "that's fucking nice". If I think you're a total bitch, I'll say "you're a cunt". If I see Daniel Gibson walking down the street, I'll say "Fuck you... you cunt-licking, dick-sucking, bitch ass mother fucking queef".

It's just the way I speak. I don't know why I feel the need to swear, but I can't help it. These words just come out. They are full of emotion...full of happiness, annoyance, anger, sadness. It's just a way to express myself and show the true nature of the way I feel. The words really put emphasis on my emotions. It's just a way for people to realize that I am truly passionate about what I'm talking about.

So with that said...FUCK off.

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