Monday, March 19, 2007

100k, but no cookie

everytime i go home, it seems, the cars are overdue for some sort of service. my parents either forget about or ignore the stickers that are plastered everywhere to remind them to make car appointments. therefore, when i was home for spring break, i, just out of habit, checked the mileage on my mom's car. this is what i saw:

now, it's a special time in every young man's life when his beloved car hits 100,000 miles, and i was fortunate enough to be home when my car reached this milestone.

later that night, i went on some unnecessary errands so that i, and i alone, could hit the 100k mark. selfish, i know, but sometimes a guy just wants to say things to his car that nobody else should here. the following sequence of events ensued:

the buildup:

it happens:

and then...

and that's it.

"what?" i thought to myself, "is that really all?" i waited so long for this to happen, and the car just continued on from 99,999 to 100,000 to 100,001 like this was some ordinary event. i was expecting some sort of prize or cookie or at least some noise, like a celebratory ding or something. but no. nothing. i sat there in stunned silence as the moment passed with no pomp or circumstance.

and then i thought about it. for the car to give me a cookie when i reached 100,000 miles in 2007, the factory would have to put the cookie in somehow, somewhere when they made the car. 9 years ago. in japan.

and then i went home for dinner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha you are quite a funny writer.